Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment requires tracking standard metrics to maintain optimal levels of wastewater processing. Traditional methods tend to narrowly focus on chemical and biochemical indicators, limiting their scope to analyzing substances processed or produced by wastewater bacteria.


vermicon AG’s test kits allow for the systematic and direct observation of wastewater microorganisms, fully integrated into the plant’s process analytics.

Rapid, Reliable Results

Time is precious. The kits deliver swift and dependable outcomes, enabling you to make informed decisions faster than ever. Stay ahead with real-time insights into your water quality.


Process Control

Process control in wastewater treatment is crucial for ensuring the efficient and effective treatment of wastewater to meet environmental, health, and safety standards.



Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a curious beginner, our kits are designed for ease-of-use. Get laboratory-grade results with simple, step-by-step instructions.


Global Standards, Local Solutions

We are committed to global excellence. Our kits meet stringent international standards, ensuring you’re equipped with the best tools, wherever you are.


vermicon VIT® kits
vermicon VIT® microscope